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wavebnd2 details:
Keywords: analytic solution
Global classification: linear-quadratic, convex
Functional: convex quadratic
Geometry: easy, fixed
Design: coupled via boundary values 0th order
Differential operator:
- Wave:
- linear hyperbolic operator of order 2.
- Defined on a 1-dim domain in 1-dim space
- Time dependent.
Design constraints:
- none
State constraints:
- linear, local of order 0 at final time
- linear, local of order 1 at final time
Mixed constraints:
- none
Submitted on 2013-03-01 by Martin Gugat. Published on 2013-03-11
wavebnd2 description:
Even for smooth data, the optimal state in boundary control problems for the wave equation is in general discontinuous. The continuity of the optimal state can be formulated as an additional requirement. In Gugat [2006], a boundary control problem for the 1D wave equation is considered, with a constraint that the state is at rest at terminal time . The continuity of the state is achieved by imposing conditions which require the compatibility of the boundary controls with the initial data. Moreover, the objective function (the sum of the norms of the time derivatives of the controls) requires the continuity in time of the controls.
This problem and analytical solution appear as [Gugat, 2006, Example 13.2].
Variables & Notation
Given Data
The given data is chosen in a way which admits an analytic solution.
Problem Description
The state is forced to rest at terminal time . The final block of constraints represents the compatibility conditions which lead to the continuity of the state, together with the continuity of the controls induced by the objective.
Supplementary Material
The optimal controls are given by
Figure 0.1 shows two views of the optimal state.
The state can be obtained from [Gugat, 2006, Section 11.2.3] as
with the functions
M. Gugat. Optimal boundary control of string to rest in finite time with continuous state. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 86:134–150, 2006. doi: 10.1002/zamm.200410236.