Welcome to the OPTPDE Problem Collection
mpccdist1 details:
Keywords: analytic solution
Global classification: nonlinear-quadratic
Functional: convex quadratic
Geometry: easy, fixed
Design: coupled via volume data
Differential operator:
- Obstacle:
- nonlinear elliptic - VI operator of order 2.
- Defined on a 2-dim domain in 2-dim space
- No time dependence.
Design constraints:
- none
State constraints:
- none
Mixed constraints:
- none
Submitted on 2012-08-21 by Roland Herzog. Published on 2012-08-21
mpccdist1 description:
The problem at hand is an optimal control problem in which the state is determined by variational inequality, viz. the elliptic obstacle problem, rather than by a partial differential equation. In fact, the variational inequality is formulated equivalently as an elliptic equation plus a complementarity system. Consequently, the optimal control problem is a function space MPCC (mathematical program with equilibrium constraints).
The problem and its solution are taken from [Meyer and Thoma, 2013, Example 7.1].
Variables & Notation
Given Data
The given data is chosen in a way which admits an analytic solution.
The subdomain is a square with midpoint and edge length 0.1, which has been rotated about its midpoint by 30 degrees in counter-clockwise direction. The four vertices of can thus be obtained from
with the rotation matrix
Note that does not intersect nor . The remaining pieces of data are
Problem Description
Optimality System
Besides the state , control and slack variable , the optimality system consists of the adjoint state and a Lagrange multiplier pertaining to the constraint . The adjoint state serves a double role, since it also acts as Lagrange multiplier for the pointwise constraint . As usual for MPCCs, no multiplier is introduced for the constraint .
It should be noted that for MPCCs, a canocical first-order optimality condition does not exist. The following system represents a particular set of first-order necessary conditions, viz. of strongly stationary type.
The set is termed the bi-active set. It is the last two conditions on the signs of and which are particular for the concept of strong stationarity.
Since belongs only to , two of the conditions above must be imposed in a weak sense. This can be done in the following way:
Supplementary Material
The following functions given in [Meyer and Thoma, 2013, Example 7.1] satisfy the set of necessary optimality conditions of strongly stationary type above. An important feature of this selection is that there is a nontrivial bi-active set:
Moreover, second-order optimality conditions have been verified, and thus is guaranteed to represent a local minimum.
where is the unit outer normal to the rotated square subdomain . Note that is a line functional concentrated on . In more explicit terms, it can be expressed as
The remaining data are
Revision History
- 2021–02–11: fixed typo in transformation of data and on
- 2013–03–01: problem added to the collection
C. Meyer and O. Thoma. A priori finite element error analysis for optimal control of the obstacle problem. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 51(1):605–628, 2013. doi: 10.1137/110836092.